Solux make sure you get what you want

Market Survey

We have done extensive research and market analysis for Home Appliances such as Steam Mop, Sewing Machine and Mini Kitchen…etc. on customers’ request. We focus on the supply market, products, cost survey and figure out the total supply in China. We can always fulfill your requirement when you want to know better about the supply market.
Market Survey

Customers matter, Solux count.

We have a big pool of various product Categories and supply market, it is easy to provide you a clear picture for what you are looking for. For example, we just completed a market survey for cable TV subscriber in certain region which did help our customer to define their market strategy for next 5 – 10 years.

Also, a customer need a full list about all the controller available in the market, we make effort not only search from the sales channel, but also source it from the supply market and even repair shops to complete the survey, which we have done almost 100% meet the target.

For home appliance, we did survey for sewing machine (both manual and electronics), Steam mop & garment steamer, Mini kitchen etc. some time ago and we have some other items like cordless iron on the way to be completed soon.

Solux not only serves technical support but also is a information provider. Whenever you need eyes, ears and also brain in China, Solux is your right choice.